(I guess the ones with xy pairs in the plist file, e.g. perhaps moreĮasily understood by clicking Info on the 3D preset browser in Horos Projection mode, background color, shading, and filtering. Includes not just a CLUT but other settings like Level of detail, shading, parallel (orthographic) vs.
3D Volume Rendering (other choices include
Unless explicitly deleted from that database datsets are saved in a Horos database as eitherįile copies or links, then automatically reopened upon next use.Import allows selecting a stack of DICOM files orĪ folder from which multiple stacks found in subdirectories can be opened (organization, layout, options and corresponding icons) at least to novice, Horos and Osirix Lite interfaces seem very similar.(dmg stays at size 0 forever), but download from Safari is fine for some reason, I cannot download from Firefox.